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Inter B. Ed Throw ball tournament

Mar 13th, 2024 | Admin

Kannur University Throw ball match began at 10 a.m. conducted in Keyi sahib Training college. The first match was played between Crescent B.Ed college and Rajeev Memorial Teacher Education College. Crescent B.Ed. Training College won the match and then the competition that followed was between kannur university teacher education centre, dharmasala and government Brennen college of teacher Education. In that competition, Brennen College of Teacher Education became the winner. Crescent B.Ed College and Keyi Sahib B.Ed College also played the match. Crescent B.Ed college won the match. Then a fierce semi-final match was held between P.K.M College of Education, Madampam and Brennen College of Teacher Education. P.K.M. College of Education, Madampam has done well in it. P.K. M. College of Education was the winner. The final match began at around 3 pm after lunch. At the end of a fierce contest between P.K.M. College of Education, Madmpam and Crescent B.Ed College of Education Madayipara, P. K. M College of Education won the title. Crescent College bagged the second place.



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