Recognized by NCTE Included under UGC 2(f) & 12B

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade, (Second cycle -4 point scale)

RUSA 2.0 beneficiary institution

PKM College

Folklore Club

Folklore refers to the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and practices passed down orally or through cultural expressions within a community. It encompasses a wide range of elements, including myths, legends, rituals, music, dance, and art, reflecting the collective wisdom and heritage of a particular group or society. Folklore plays a crucial role in preserving cultural identity and connecting generations through shared narratives and traditions.

A folklore Club is a vibrant community dedicated to exploring and celebrating the rich tapestry of traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and artistic expressions within a specific cultural or regional context. Members of such clubs often engage in activities like organizing events, performances, and discussions to promote and preserve the diverse elements of folklore, fostering a sense of cultural appreciation and continuity. These clubs provide a platform for individuals passionate about folklore to share, learn, and contribute to the vibrant heritage of their community.

In an educational institution dedicated to teacher education, the Folklore Club holds significant importance. Its primary goal is to safeguard and promote traditional arts that are fading away. A major objective is to familiarize individuals with folk arts originating from different regions, including traditional songs, cultural journeys, folk song competitions, storytelling competitions, and Northern style songs. The club conducts various programs strategically to advance these goals, ensuring that diverse cultural expressions are actively preserved and celebrated

Staff coordinator

Sr. Mini Mol George (Sr. caorlin FCC)

Student coordinator

Sreethu M



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